Valentino Buoro to serve as a Panelist at the ICMC 2019 ADR Conference


The 2019 ADR Conference of the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators is scheduled to hold on Tuesday, the 3rd of December, 2019 in Abuja.

The Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators is the professional body of practitioners with the mandate to regulate the practice of Mediation, train prospective candidates, and encourage organizations and institutions to adopt Mediation and Conciliation as the primary means for addressing disputes.

Mr. Valentino Buoro, Director and Associate Convenor of the Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA), will be speaking on the theme “ICMC at 20: A trajectory of Mediation Practice and Grassroots Conflict Transformation in Nigeria” during the Institute’s ADR Conference.

Valentino Buoro is an Accredited Mediation Advocacy Trainer, Mediator and Arbitrator.  A Law graduate of the Lagos State University Ojo, Valentino was a member of the pioneer class of the Nigerian Law School Bwari, Abuja.

Prior to his legal training, Valentino had had a distinguished career as a journalist with the defunct Concord Group of Newspapers. Soon after his call to the Bar, Valentino resigned from the services of the Concord Group, and ventured into the electronic media as an Independent producer of maritime and entrepreneurship radio programmes.  His exploits in this new course of entrepreneurial focus paid off when in 2006 he clinched the award of the internationally recognized Fate Foundation as SME JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR for his independent programme ‘’Business on Radio’’

In the years 2010 – 2012 Valentino had a stint with the Cargo Defence Fund, a division of the Nigerian Shippers Council where he honed his legal skills in Cargo Claims. He has since leaving the Cargo Defence Fund engaged in the active practice and promotion of alternative dispute resolution through his boutique law firm Forwarder Law Partners and other platforms he has established for the purpose.

Among his many contributions to the ADR Industry are the introduction of mediation advocacy skills training into the Nigerian jurisdiction, under the auspices of the UK based Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA) and the fortnightly publication of an ADR Column in the Saturday Sun Newspaper in the last six years. He is the Founder of the Landlords and Tenants Rights Initiative – a public Interest law Organization, established for the promotion of mediation in the real estate Industry and Founder, Incorporated Trustees of Attorney-Mediators Association.

Valentino is listed as Mediator on the Neutrals Panel of the Federal High Court ADR Centre, the Lagos Court of Arbitration and the Edo State Multi-Door Courthouse. He has for over three years offered Pro Bono Services as Mediator at the Lagos State Citizens Mediation Centre and has been listed as Mediator by the World Mediation Organization (WMO)

Valentino Buoro is a Director and Associate Convenor of the Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA), an Accredited Service Provider to the Nigerian Bar Association on Continuing Legal Education.

To register for the 2019 ADR Conference, kindly click here


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